I would mainly watch DBZ on an old hanging TV in my family's workout room as I exercised, usually watching the episodes in the very early days of On Demand. My older brother had been into DBZ when I was younger, and I remember having a poster of Future Trunks charging at Mecha Frieza (whose scared reflection could be seen gleaming off the sword itself). I don't have memory of watching Kid Buu or the Androids/Cell arcs when I was little. I saw a lot of the Saiyan arc, much of the Frieza Sagas, and quite a bit of the early Buu Sagas. I had watched parts of Dragon Ball Z when I had been much younger on Cartoon Network (I think). It was during this time that I began watching Dragon Ball Z from start to finish (no, I didn't watch Dragon Ball all the way through until after I joined this wiki several months later, and as of writing this commentary, I still haven't seen GT in its entirety). I would stay in my room most of the days playing video games. I didn't have any friends, aside from a very select few I spoke to online. I played tennis with my dad and brother sometimes, walked my dog through the busy streets of town, but otherwise I had little contact with people. This was because my mother was very ill at the time - we later learned it was terminal cancer - and I was doing school online. I was living with my grandmother in (near) San Francisco, California. Now a little backstory on how and why this story was conceptualized and made. So I want this commentary to reflect that and be as good as it can be. If I could only have one story, TF would be it. I've written 51 stories (as of doing this commentary that number will certainly be higher by the time you read this), but this is the single story that sticks out to me. It's been read and reviewed probably more than any other story on this site. This is the story I'm most known for on this wiki it was my first published fan fiction on the internet it was the reason I joined this site. But there's another reason I've put off anthologizing this story until it felt just right - the pressure. It took me four years to write, re-write, polish, and make it into what it is today. I put off anthologizing this story for a number of reasons - not least of which being its length. My opening monologue for this saga will recount the basic history of TF from start to the first publishing of the Prince Vegeta Saga on this wiki, so bear with me, it's going to be very long. So begins my commentary on Dragon Ball Z: The Forgotten. This page, The KidVegeta Anthology/Dragon Ball Z: The Forgotten/Prince Vegeta Saga, is property of KidVegeta.